Everything You Need to Know About Halloween in Greeley

On-site storage, we’ve got you covered

It goes without saying that Halloween will be different this year. Between two major disasters — a virus and wildfires — the holiday is understandably taking a backseat in many people’s list of priorities. Still, in trying times, dressing up in costumes and filling up on candy can be a welcome distraction.

A Few Trick-or-Treating Tips to Keep in Mind

Photo by Julia Raasch on UnsplashPhoto by Julia Raasch on Unsplash

Trick-or-treating will take place in Greeley and Broomfield on Saturday, Oct. 31 starting at dusk. If you and your family plan to partake, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) has set a few guidelines for keeping safe:

  • Only trick-or-treat with your household
  • Keep 6-feet apart from those not in your household
  • Limit the time you spend at doorways and use hand sanitizer in between houses
  • Wait to eat candy until you get home
  • Wash hands immediately once you’re done for the night

And, of course, wear a protective face mask, whether you’re collecting candy or passing it out. While most scary masks aren’t suited for helping to limit the spread of COVID-19, the CDPHE instead recommends wearing a Halloween-themed fabric mask as part of the costume.

A Guide to Alternative Halloween Events

Photo by Michal Balog on UnsplashPhoto by Michal Balog on Unsplash

Something else to keep in mind: On Oct. 23, the CDPHE updated its Safer at Home public health order to reduce the size of personal gatherings to 10 people from no more than two separate households and a 50 percent capacity or 175-person cap on outdoor events.

Unfortunately, local-favorite event Trick or Treat Street was cancelled this year due to COVID-19. “Trick-or-Treat Street is one of our favorite events to put on and we considered every option to make it work, but ultimately there was no way we could ensure a safe event,” Executive Director Bianca Fisher said in a statement on Greeley Downtown’s website. “We hope everyone can enjoy a safe, fun time trick-or-treating in neighborhoods with family and friends in small group sizes.”

Nonetheless, if you prefer to play it extra safe this Halloween, there are still a bunch of fun at-home activities you can do, including pumpkin carving, candy scavenger hunt, DIY haunted house, baking spooky sweets, face painting, watching a scary movie or telling ghost stories while camping in the backyard.

The Box Portable Storage Wishes You a Happy Halloween!

No matter what plans you make for Halloween, we hope it’s a welcome break for you in 2020. Seriously, who’s ever had a bad time eating a pumpkin-shaped Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup? Have a happy and safe Halloween!

The Box Portable Storage offers short- and long-term storage solutions in the Broomfield and Greeley areas. Whether you’re moving, looking to store seasonal items or something else, request a free quote online or call (970) 800-3807. One of our local team members will respond within 24 hours and will work to provide you with the best storage option based on your needs.

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