Right now, we serve the Greeley and Broomfield, Colorado areas. You can request a free quote by filling out this online form or calling us at (970) 800-3807. Someone from our local customer service team will respond within 24 hours with a customized quote, and will be happy to answer any of your questions.
In the meantime, if you’re planning to move, check out the list below for packing tips that can make your move more organized and in turn, less stressful.
1. Declutter and Set Up a Donation Pickup
There’s no point in moving things you don’t need or no longer want, so get rid of them. Throw out old makeup and expired food in the pantry, and donate clothes you no longer wear. If you have any furniture or other big items that you want to donate, you can set up a donation pickup with an organization like the Salvation Army.
2. Pack an hour a day as far ahead as possible
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
There’s nothing exactly fun about packing up your things, but it’s really not fun when you’re rushing at the last minute. Start with packing seasonal items and other pieces you aren’t currently using. To stay motivated, you can set a timer for at least one hour a day and use that time strictly for packing.
3. Use string to create pull tabs to open boxes easier
You’ll be happy you did this hack when you get to your new home and you can open your boxes fast. While packing, before taping up a box, lay a piece of wool string or twine at the center of the closed flaps, leaving the string hanging on either side of the box. Then, tape over the string to close the box (make sure to leave the string on the ends un-taped). When you want to open a box, simply pull the string to rip the tape.
4. Leave clothes on the hanger while packing
Save yourself a lot of time hanging clothes up at your new place by packing your clothes with the hangers still on. You can either use wardrobe boxes, which have a metal bar made for hanging clothes on, or secure a bunch of hangers together using a twist tie and cover your clothes with a garment bag or garbage bag.
5. Color code your boxes based on room
Label your boxes with different colors based on the room. This will make it easier for you and for any movers helping on the big day to put your items where they belong. This way, you won’t have to open 10 boxes to find what you’re looking for or tote heavy boxes around the house while unpacking.
6. Use small boxes for heavy items and big boxes for light items
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
This is more important that you realize: Pack heavy items like books or dishes in small boxes, so you can lift and transport them easier. Save the larger boxes for lighter items like fluffy blankets and towels.
7. Don’t leave empty spaces in boxes
Whether the contents are heavy or light, fill up any empty space with newspaper, bubble wrap or even a throw pillow. This will keep your things tight and secure, no matter which way the box is flipped.
8. Pack your suitcases with things you’ll need ASAP
You’re probably not going to unpack everything on move-in day. Save yourself the trouble of trying to find your toothbrush, toiletries or your bed sheets by packing the immediate necessities in your suitcases.
9. Protect your floors
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels
If you’re moving on a rainy or snowy day (which can be any day in Colorado), you definitely want to make sure to protect your floors with temporary floor protection tape, plastic or durable paper (like Ram Board). This will help keep your new carpet and other flooring clean, stain- and scratch-free. If you’re using a moving company, most will provide this for you, but it doesn’t hurt to double check.
10. Pack a cooler of drinks and snacks for moving day
Hanger is real, and it will not help with the move. Pack yourself and your moving crew a cooler of snacks and drinks to enjoy between transporting boxes and unpacking.
11. Notify those who need to know of your new address
Don’t forget to let your loved ones know your new address. Send out a mass email or text to provide the new details. Also, remember to update your billing addresses and any subscriptions you may have, and forward your mail.
At the end of a long moving day, remember to take a deep breath. It might take a little longer than expected to unpack or to get your house to look exactly how you want it. But, the hard part is over. Welcome home!
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