Summer’s Here! How to Finally Get Your House Organized

On-site storage, we’ve got you covered

While kids have been home a lot more than usual in the last year, at least summer puts an end to complicated carpools, homework stress, and any virtual learning. It’s a well-deserved break for everyone, but also a great time for the whole family to finally get the house re-organized.

Decluttering is a team effort. While the kids are home, you can have them go through their old toys and school work to decide what they no longer want or use. But for anything you want to keep — sentimental or otherwise — you should think about using portable storage.

At The Box Portable Storage, we offer short and long-term storage solutions. Fill out our online form and give us a call at 970-800-3807 and one of our local customer service representatives will get back to you within 24 hours to answer any questions and provide you with a free quote.

What Is Portable Storage?

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Here’s how it works: First, we’ll schedule a storage container delivery at your convenience. You’ll fill it up with your belongings, and when you’re done, we’ll pick up the container and store it at one of our two storage facilities in Greeley and Broomfield. (Although, if you prefer to keep it on your property, you can just tell us where to leave it.) If you’re only using it for seasonal storage, we can bring it back at the end of the summer so you can unload it. Otherwise, we’ll keep it for as long as you need.

Nonetheless, if you want to make your summer deep clean a family tradition, we can also bring back your container each year so you can add more to it. It’s so simple!

What Types of Things Can You Put in Portable Storage?

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from PexelsPhoto by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

We strive to make portable storage easy. The hardest part is deciding exactly what you want to store.

Of course, anytime you want to reorganize, you can follow the classic decluttering tip: Choose items to donate, sell, trash, and keep. And for the items you want to keep, or the things your kids aren’t ready to let go of, you can move them out of the house and out of the way in storage.

Here are a few examples of items you could put into a portable storage container:

1. School Supplies and Class Projects

Have your kids empty their backpacks and decide which notebooks and books to keep. For any class projects or any large stacks of artwork that they’re not ready to part with but don’t want on display, you could put them away in portable storage.

Over the summer, you could also store away desks and any virtual learning furniture that may be taking up space in their rooms.

2. Baby Furniture

Speaking of furniture! If you have a little one who recently upgraded to a big-kid bed, you may need a place to keep a crib for the future. Move it out of the guest bedroom, the basement, or wherever you’ve stashed it, and put it into storage.

3. Clothing

Keep hand-me-down clothing or seasonal apparel, like puffy coats and winter boots, in portable storage. Now, your kids will have no reason not to clean their rooms with all that extra closet space for putting away their things…

4. Seasonal Toys

Somehow the biggest toys happen to be the ones you only use for a season: scooters, bikes, go-karts, snow sleds, skis, baby pools, etc. During the summer, you can make room in your garage by storing your winter toys, and vice versa in the colder months.

5. Holiday Decorations

Do your kids prefer the Christmas trees with the colorful lights, but you prefer white? Get both and store them in the off-season in a portable storage container. You can also store yard decorations for the winter holidays, Halloween, and more.

6. The Random Boxes in the Garage

You might not even remember what you have in those random boxes you keep in the garage, but you know you can’t get rid of them. First things first, go take a look at what’s in those boxes, and if you are indeed correct, and you need to keep them, make room in the garage by moving them to a portable storage container.

Of course, if there’s anything you stored that you decide you need right away, we’re just a call or a quick drive away. That’s the point of portable storage — your belongings are still there. It’s not a goodbye, just a see you later.

So, if you’re ready to get organized, this summer is the best time to do so. Start your sorting and contact The Box Portable Storage. We look forward to helping you keep the things your family loves.

Learn More About The Box Portable Storage