How College Students Can Safely Store Their Stuff

On-site storage, we’ve got you covered

College is… well, a lot of fun. But, you know what’s not so fun? Moving. Whether you’re moving to a dorm, to an apartment, or back home to your parents’ house, you need somewhere to put your stuff. If you have a lot of furniture, finding a place to store it all can be extra difficult, even if it is just for the summer months.

But, there’s an easy solution: Portable storage.

At The Box Portable Storage, we make move-in, move-out, and everything in-between as simple as it was choosing to be a UNC bear!

Here’s how it works:

Box 16ft with mule 2 (1).jpgWe bring you a storage container. You pack it up with your things. We take it back to one of our two storage facilities located in Greeley and Broomfield. When you’re ready to move back onto campus, we’ll bring the storage unit back to you for unloading, and take it back again when you’re done.

If you forget something (like that you actually do need that set of accounting books you tucked away), we’re local! You can always come by and take things out of your container or put things in as needed.

We’re proud to share the city of Greeley with the University of Northern Colorado. If you’re a UNC student or parent looking for a viable storage option, fill out our online form or give us a call at 970-800-3807 for a free quote. One of our local customer service representatives will get back to you within 24 hours to discuss your options and answer any questions.

However, before booking, we do recommend checking with your student housing or apartment complex for any restrictions regarding storage container drop-off. Due to COVID-19, there may be some restrictions to moving out and moving into the residence halls, like how many non-students can accompany you. (And, in 2021 you’ll need to be vaccinated.)

Set It and Forget It (For a Little While Anyways)

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from PexelsPhoto by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Between semesters, you may be focusing on working a summer job, internships, studying abroad or just taking the time to relax — we don’t want you to stress at all about your storage container. You can set up auto-payments so you never have to think much about it.

And when school is back in session, just let us know and we’ll bring your stuff back to you. Give us a call when you know your exact move-in date, even if it is coming up sooner than you realized. We can’t guarantee it, but we’re sometimes able to deliver containers as soon as within 24 hours.

Share With Friends and Roommates

Photo by RODNAE Productions from PexelsPhoto by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

If you don’t have a whole lot of stuff, but your family still isn’t super keen on the idea of you taking up half the garage, get a container to share. You can share a storage container with your friends, roommates, peers — anyone you trust. Although, if you share with your roommates, it makes the unloading much easier.

Also, if you’re moving into a residence hall, UNC does allow you to remove University-owned room furnishings. That means, if you and your roommate decide in the fall that you want to forego the provided desks for your own smaller ones to create extra space, you can. However, you are responsible for storing the furniture and returning it to the room in its original condition upon moving out.

Portable Storage Makes Moving In and Out Easy

Photo by RODNAE Productions from PexelsPhoto by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Graduation, and even the Fall 2021 semester, will be here before you know it! If you’re considering our portable storage service, you should schedule your unit’s delivery as soon as you can. We currently operate on a first-come, first-serve basis. However, as we continue to grow as a business, we’ll work to offer more availability in units and delivery times.

The Box Portable Storage looks forward to working with you on any and all of your portable storage needs. Congratulations to the University of Northern Colorado’s class of 2021, and welcome class of 2025!

Learn More About The Box Portable Storage